Car Tax - Bollo
Car tax is paid once a year. It is calculated on its : Its not displayed on windscreens like in the UK. You are never sent a reminder to pay and all you
get when you pay is a receipt - a bit like a lottery ticket. Keep all receipts in a safe place as you may be asked to produce them
if you are stopped at a roadside spot-check by the police etc. How much do I have to pay? If you know your Italian car registration
number you can calculate how much you have to pay and when payment is due using either of these links: If you only know the kw and horse power (cv) of the vehicle you can calculate how much to pay using this link: Where can you pay car tax? You can pay your BOLLO at the following places (N.B some places charge for the service): More in-depth details on how car
tax is calculated can be found at ACI TARIFFS Alternatively, go to the official ACI site to learn more about car tax in Calabria,
or call ACI in Calabria on 199 727373 from Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm then from 2pm to 6pm.Or email infobollo@calabria.aci
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